The English Springer Spaniel is an active, multi-purpose dog breed that can be your hunting companion, a delightful family pet and an elegant show dog- now that is balance and versatility! English Springers have the exceptional ability to combine being friendly, playful, and obedient while also being affectionate, athletic, and beautiful. Popular all around companions, Springer Spaniels are people-oriented and always ready for exercise and adventure.Our English Springer Spaniel pendant displays the classic refined lines of a breath-taking English Springer Spaniel profile.
This Springer Spaniel charm carries its head proudly highlighting chiseled features and long luxurious ears. Look closely to find detailed feathers sculpted into the ears as a reminder of that gorgeous feathered coat or perhaps to give a nod to their Springer hunting heritage. This English Springer Spaniel charm has been carefully crafted to recreate the trusting, soulful expressions that are the essence of the gentle English Springer Spaniel jewelry.